Through the several kinds of reading material available, we improve our
knowledge, and we learn more and more things to share with others. Reading can
be a pleasant retreat, where we go to when we want to entertain ourselves, but
it mustn’t be a too much introspective thing, that could end up depriving us of
other people’s company and making us withdraw from other activities.
It’s very good and useful to read alone, but it’s also great when we read with
others, especially when we read for children. To read for children is one of
the most gratifying experiences in life, a mutual benefit, because we not only
unveil a new world for them through the books, but we also enjoy moments of
cheerful human contact, and strengthen bonds.
You can create an amusing Book Club with friends and/or take part of the
existing groups of this kind in the social networks. You will be able to exchange
ideas about several subjects that you’ve been reading about, or to talk face to
face with interesting people about a book that has captivated you. Reading is
great to bring people together.
The possibilities to expand and enrich your social contact through
reading are comprehensive and you can’t miss the chance to reap the fruit it
can bear.
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