Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happy World Book Day!

    On April 23rd, World Book Day, through the Blue Ink Letters Blog, where I write _ one thing I’ve been improving also through reading, among other things _ I congratulate this priceless companion, the book. The time we can dedicate to read a book is totally enjoyable. We can’t forget, though, that millions of people in the world don’t have access even to printed books much less to ebooks. We can never consider libraries or used books stores outdated. We have to divulge projects and initiatives such as itinerant libraries, book sales on bookstores and the books donation campaigns, also donating books when we can. Happy World Book Day!

Books are bests friends. They
guide us through a fascinating
world of wonder, learning,
hope, entertainment; a
world available to us all. tj*¬

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Social Networks Without Stress

     If people use the social networks for business, things such as the number of followers and “likes” matter, but, in any circumstances, it’s advisable not to be clingy, annoying. I enjoy marketing and advertising, and I want to take courses in the area someday, but, in the meantime, I’m able to talk about it only as an enthusiastic amateur. As such, and as a common consumer, I’m sure at least of the things I like to see. Ads must captivate us somehow, they can’t be boring. As there are many advertising vehicles, in each one there’s a specific way to do so. Except for paid ads, that have a proper usage, our own “homemade” kind of advertisements have to be subtle on the social networks or, otherwise, we risk being considered inconvenient.
     When people want to divulge their work _ a book, for instance _ on the social networks, the more followers and likes they have, the better, but it’s important not being too exhaustive about it. If a person wants to divulge a blog, specially a non-profit blog (as all my six blogs are), he/she can’t be too insistent, or he/she will be labelled as “clingy”, and people won’t even began to read his/her posts. For example, if you take part on 6 different groups on facebook, it’s better not to post exactly the same thing on the 6 of them at the same time, because most of the members participate of almost all similar groups. And it’s not advisable to post things such as “Visit my blog on the link…” all the time; it’s more useful to be creative. To go with the simple link, we can post a quote, a beautiful image, a comic comment or image, an extract of an article, anything that’s interesting and not repetitive.
     Finally, when we use the social networks just for fun, to talk to friends and make new ones, to meet again people we’ve lost contact with through the years, to know new cultures and peoples, to like a fan page, to be well-informed about the world in general, among so many other things, I think we must make good use of them without worrying so much. It’s natural to get upset when absolutely no one likes our posts, when that’s the case, but I’ve got a feeling that most people are more anxious to post rather than stopping to read. Anyway, to me the most important thing is not the number of “likes” or followers we have, but to enjoy social networks without stress! tj*¬

Mr. Spock is just being unassuming.
Millions would have liked his facebook today.
The same applies for Captain Kirk and
“Bones” McCoy, of course.

P.S.: My humble homage to the brilliant Star Trek.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Benefits of the Sense of Humor

     Sometimes we have a sense of humor that is difficult for certain people to understand, depending on the occasion and on the circumstances. I admire several humorists, of a variety of types and styles. The kind of sense of humor I like most, though, is the naïve and joyful one, the one that brings fun and make us laugh in an innocent way. Like the sense of humor of the brilliant Jerry Lewis, with whom in fact we can identify ourselves sometimes, at least with his characters, because who isn’t a little clumsy?
     With hundreds and hundreds of things to do and without time to pay the due attention to certain details that go by unnoticed, we can end up in comic and confusing situations! I guess everybody knows those humorists who, in order not to let a joke unspoken, end up talking without thinking first. Not to mention that the humor concept is relative. What may seem hilarious to one person is not for the other one and so on…
     The most important thing is to be able to extract joyful laughter from people because, as I use to say, I really think sense of humor is part of our “surviving kit”, that it’s essential to soften the tension and stress of the modern world. The joyful, honest and naïve sense of humor is the one that really comes from the soul and it certainly pleases everyone.
     Let your Jerry Lewis’ side emerge a little bit more each day too!

Dedicated to the Brilliant Master